Which home workouts and exercise classes are best?

Post kids (which are now toddlers!) I’ve been carrying around a little extra belly fat that’s been really hard to shift. But of course, trying to find time to exercise while running around after the kids hasn’t been easy, though I have managed to go for walks with the buggy and an errant toddler on a trike.  I came across the Ezyfit exercises at home workouts site. It’s just what I needed – a bit of a kick start and a push in the right direction to try and nail that post-pregnancy belly fat.  There were actually some free programs available once I’d signed up.

I filled out the health questionnaire and within a couple of days got a personalized program of exercises I can do while the kids are in bed.  I said I had a Swiss ball so they’ve included some exercises using that.

So good being able to do exercises at home as I’m really not a gym person and couldn’t see how I could find time and juggle kids to do something during the day when they are constantly at my coat tails.  The exercise videos were helpful in showing me how to do these new sit ups.

I checked my body mass index obviously needs a little sharpening!  I’m aiming to try and fit in some of the exercise classes next week.  Also there is actually a real person behind it – I even got some input from the “virtual personal trainer” and found it was a real human who seemed motivating.  Worth a try.